Consequences of tobacco use on oral health

consequences of tobacco use teeth

The direct relationship between tobacco use and different health disorders is indisputable. is indisputable. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are harmful to health. There is strong strong scientific evidencesupported by various clinical and even psychological studies, which provide important progress in the understanding of the consequences of smoking.

The consequences of tobacco consumption on the human body encompass a myriad of pathologies, including including multiple respiratory and cardiovascular conditions as well as cancer.. Our mouth is no stranger to the harmful effects of tobacco and tobacco smoke.. The oral health is clearly disturbed in patients exposed to tobacco and tobacco smoke.

Do you want to know how it affects?

Tobacco and oral health

One of the one of the oral disorders caused by smoking is tooth decay.. It is the most common oral disease and affects almost 100% of the population. affects almost 100% of the population throughout their lives.

As we have already discussed in other articles caries is a disease generated by different factors. Tobacco in this case causes changes in saliva and in the bacterial flora, being one of the elements linked to caries, so we already have the first consequence of tobacco consumption associated with our oral health. consequence of tobacco consumption associated with our oral and dental health..

Smoking damages oral health in a very direct very directly as the mouth is vulnerable to the different chemical components of tobacco. If we also know that a smoker's body is more prone to illness and is less able to fight off infections and is less able to fight infections, it is not surprising that the list of oral and dental disorders that occur is so extensive.

Main oral disorders caused by smoking

The impact of tobacco on the health of our mouth is significant and direct. The main negative effects of tobacco and e-cigarettes are the following are the following:

  1. Caries. Already mentioned above. It affects a large part of society and its appearance is related to tobacco insofar as it generates changes in the composition and quantity of saliva. changes in the composition and quantity of people's saliva. of people's saliva.
  2. Slower healing. Tobacco causes a slows down the healing process of wounds in the mouth, exposing the in the mouth, exposing the damaged tissue to a higher risk of infection.
  3. Candidiasis Candidiasis. Candidiasis or oral candidiasis is an infectious infectious disease disease that occurs in the oral cavity of older adults due to the by the penetration of fungi into the fungi into the oral tissue. Smoking predisposes to fungal infection in the mouth.
  4. Loss of taste and smell. Tobacco causes decrease of the body's perceptive perceptual abilities of the body and thus contaminates the relationship with food.
  5. Stains teeth. The chemical components of tobacco, when inhaled, stain and stain the tooth surface.
  6. Bad breath. The halitosis or bad breath, is another of the consequences of tobacco in the mouth.
  7. Periodontal disease. Smoking multiplies the risks of periodontal disease suffered by the gums and the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. (LINK TO PRODUCT:
  8. Implant failure. As in the case of periodontal disease, smoking increases the likelihood of implant complications, particularly implant failure. in implants, specifically the process of implant integration into the bone (osseointegration)..
  9. Increased pain in the case of extractions. Smoking increases pain when a tooth is extracted.
  10. Oral cancer and leukoplakia. Precancerous lesions and oral cancer are some of the most serious consequences of smoking in our mouths.
  11. Fewer dental treatment options. Damage to the mouth from smoking leads to reduced blood flow, increased bacteria and inflammation. These problems can lead to tooth loss and, in addition, make it difficult to replace of lost teeth.
  12. Increased wear on teeth. Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars and unprocessed tobacco leaves used as cigarette wrappers contain small particles that are very abrasive. very abrasive abrasive to teeth. In addition, when mixed with saliva, they create a paste that causes teeth to wear down faster. wear faster..
  13. Smoker's melanosis. This refers to staining of the oral mucosa that occurs on the gums and is not due to coffee or medication consumption or genetic factors.
  14. Nicotinic Palatitis. These are another type of spots that appear in the mouth. They are white and white and red spots on the roof of the mouth.

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It's never too late to improve oral health

There are many alternatives to turn your life and your health around.. Tobacco affects affects almost every organ, so it's time to recharge your batteries. it's time to get your strength back and make the decision to to quit smoking..

For this it is very important to have a strategic plan and a strategic plan and a support networkto help you achieve your goal. Some of the most common recommendations are to write down your personal reasons for quitting on a piece of paper. personal reasons for quittingexercise, chew sugar-free gum and keep busy.

Ask your dentist which products might help you in your efforts to kick the addiction. Keep in mind the consequences of smoking on oral health oral health can be a great motivator. And don't forget to take extra care of your oral health more carefully. Use a good toothbrush, a toothpaste with fluorideand a suitable Mouthwashlike the ones we offer at KIN to help you in your fight against tobacco..


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