Why do teeth age?


Teeth are just another organ of our body, and as such, they have a natural wear process as the years go by. There are many factors that can accelerate or slow down this process. However, there is nothing that can completely stop this process, there is nothing that can completely stop the aging of teeth, which go through different changes throughout the years.They go through different changes throughout life.

Do you know why teeth age faster in some people? Is there anything we can do to slow down the signs of aging in teeth? What are the most common problems that occur in the elderly?

At KIN we analyze all the details so that the passage of time does not the passage of time does not affect aesthetically and functionally.onal onal levelor the dental a gums.

What is dental ageing?

Tooth aging is the process of process of maturation and changes that occur in the teeth and other organs of the and other organs of the mouth. These occur naturally as a person gets older.

Like the rest of the organs of the human body, the mouth undergoes certain changes related to the passage of time. They may be more or less pronounced depending on the care they receive throughout life.

Signs of ageing teeth

As teeth age, different changes can occur. Signs of dental aging are common in older people as they reach old age. However, they can also occur in some young adults due to genetic factors, and especially when proper tooth and gum care has not been followed. when proper care of teeth and gums has not been followed..

Among the effects of aging on teeth, dental specialists highlight:

  • Shortening of teeth.
  • Visibly worn dental edges.
  • Color changes due to due to enamel weakening.
  • Recession of the gums revealing part of the root of the teeth.
  • Progressive dental mobility.

These changes can occur at the same time, in a more visible or subtle way. more visible or subtle. In each patient the aging of the teeth is a process with different results.

Why do teeth age?

Tooth degeneration is a natural process that affects everyone. The body's tissues are constantly renewing themselves. But over time, the process slows down, and organs and tissues lose functionality as adulthood approaches.

This also occurs in dental tissue because, with constant use of the teeth, the enamel wears down and gradually loses its ability to repair itself, enamel wears down and progressively loses its ability to repair itself.. Little by little changes occur in the oral tissues, which vary in each person due to genetic and environmental factors.

Among the causes of tooth wear there are 4 main reasons:

  • Occlusion problems
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding
  • Improper brushing techniques leading to enamel erosion and gum damage
  • Eating disorders or nutrient deficiencies

Although the aging of the teeth is a normal process, if the effects are highly pronounced, they can be a serious problem. serious harm far beyond the purely aesthetic motive. Teeth in the older adult may lose their function their functionThis can cause multiple discomforts and lead to the appearance of health problems. 

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What dental problems are associated with ageing?

Some of the changes in the structure of teeth are absolutely normal as they age.

However, when they occur at an accelerated rate, at early ages, or if the symptoms are very marked, the risk of dental diseases that affect the health of the whole body increases.

Tooth decay

Due to enamel wear, when teeth age, the probability of suffering caries is higher. In older adults, dental caries formation of dental caries is more frequentThe elderly are more prone to suffer the negative effects that this has on the complete oral health.

Tooth Sensitivity

As a consequence of increased dentin to enamel wear and gingival recession, another effect of aging and gum recession, another effect of aging is increased tooth sensitivity. is a more pronounced dental sensitivity. The sensation of cold, heat and other stimuli is accentuated as the years go by in older people.

Periodontal disease

From the age of 40 onwards, there is an increased risk of suffering periodontal diseases. The gums of older adults are more vulnerableThe gums of older adults are more vulnerable, manifesting themselves in the form of bleeding, inflammation, halitosis problems and other symptoms common in the mature stage.


A pathology that often affects older adults is older adults is the production of saliva. Known by the medical term xerostomia, this is usually accompanied by a change in the composition of the microbiota microbiota of the mouthpromoting the proliferation of caries-causing bacteria.


In addition to the above changes that occur as the teeth age, with age, If oral diseases are not taken care of in time, increasesthe likelihood of partial or complete the likelihood of partial or complete loss of teeth increases with age.. This is known as edentulisma disorder that has direct consequences on the patient's health, beyond the esthetic problem it entails.

Care to protect teeth from aging

The aging of teeth is a process that cannot be stopped, but they can be cared for to maintain proper health. proper health. Regardless of the age of the person, it is very important to put into practice a series of recommendations:

  • Daily brushing of teeth and gumsalways after every meal. It is important to use a soft bristle brush, avoiding excessive force to avoid damaging the enamel and gums.
  • Use a toothpaste for daily oral daily oral care dthe older adult with an adequate content of fluoride . The fluoride has the function of repairing the enamel, preventing the teeth from weakening.
  • Complement oral hygiene with the use of other accessories and products, such as dental floss, interproximal brushes and mouthwashes. Thanks to these simple gestures it is possible to enjoy healthier teeth. healthy teeth even in adulthood.
  • Have regular check-ups at the dentist to detect and treat oral health problems as early as possible.
  • Follow a balanced diet, preferably avoiding sweet or acidic foods and drinks, as well as smoking.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Take care of stress and lead as active a life as possible.

When conocen the factors that age teeth prematurely, it is possible to fight against them.When the factors that age teeth prematurely are known, it is possible to fight them, ensuring better oral health at all stages of life.


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