Tips to help kids lose their fear of going to the dentist

Tips to avoid fear of the dentist in children

Alsoalso known as odontophobia, fear of going to the dentist is an attitude that children learn from adults throughout their childhood. throughout their childhood. Inexplicably, many children feel great anxiety when they go to the dentist's office for the first time, without any basis for these feelings.

We all know that a regular oral health check-up is essential at any age. It is especially important for children, whose teeth are still developing.

For this reason, it is vitally important to help children overcome their fear of the dentist, preventing them from experiencing this moment as an unpleasant experience.How can we achieve this?

Why are children afraid to go to the dentist?

Sometimes going to the dentist can be a little uncomfortable. It is normal for children to feel nervous at the thought of having to sit in the dentist's chair. But, But in general, it's usually children are usually the most well-behaved patients when they go to the dentist. when it comes to going to the dentist.

So what are the reasons why children are afraid of the dentist? These can be very varied. Among the most common are:

  • Fear of the unknown. When children visit a new place where they do not know what will happen, they may feel nervous as a sign of alert and danger.
  • Parents' fear. Without realizing it, adults pass on their fear of the dentist to their children. It is therefore important that adults who are afraid of going to the dentist's office do not show it in front of their children.
  • Fear of pain. Children who have been through a traumatic situation in the past associate a visit to the dentist with pain. However, children's treatments are usually simpler and pain-free, and it is not common for children to remember it as a bad thing.

Why is it important for children to go to the dentist?

Visiting a child's dentist helps to identify and prevent common oral problems in children.. This should be done periodically, as in adults. A check-up every 6 to 12 months is appropriate, depending on the needs of each patient.

The care of teeth and gums in children is very important from birth. One of the functions of the pediatric dentist, the pediatric dentist, is to follow the eruption of the baby teeth, and to the eruption of the baby teeth, and to follow up on the dthe progressive change to the permanent dentition..

The first dental checkup in children can be done before the first year of age, with the eruption of the first baby tooth. If you want to know more about the first dental check-up in childrenyou will find more information through our blog.

Dentists also have a responsibility to teach children teaching children proper toothbrushing techniques, correcting some common mistakes.correcting some common mistakes. They are in charge of giving parents the recommendations and guidelines they need to help their children maintain good oral health.

What problems arise from children's fear of going to the dentist?

Children's fear of going to the dentist can be a real health problem for them. No regular dental check-ups is a risk for children. is a risk for the youngest members of the household.

Only a qualified professional can detect in time serious oral health problems in children such as periodontal disease, caries, or malformations in the deciduous dentition or the replacement of permanent teeth.

The earlier children learn to properly care for their teeth and gums, the better the quality of dental health they will enjoy throughout adolescence and adulthood.

How to make children lose their fear of the dentist?

What can parents do to help children overcome their fear of going to the dentist? It is as simple as trying to prevent the fear from appearing in them.

Involve children in everything that happens at the dentist's office, and inform them of what will happen during the visit. inform them of what is going to happen during the visit.completely or to a large extent eliminates this initial nervousness.

Of course, as adults we must also lead by example. If children see us nervous, they will also catch our fear.

It is the parents' responsibility to accompany the children during the whole process. Whether it is the moment of preparation prior to the visit to the dentist, as well as support and reassurance once they are seated in the dentist's chair, children will feel more secure and confident.children will feel more secure and confident.

Here are some tips you can put into action to help your children lose their fear of going to the dentist, or even never develop it:

Inform him/her of the procedures

Whatever the child's age, explain what type of procedures the dentist will perform at each visit.. They will appreciate knowing what is going to happen.

This can be applied both for a simple routine check-up, as well as for fillings, removal of a dental piece or placement of an orthodontic appliance. Children will be more relaxed if they know the whole process, what instruments will be used and, above all, that they will not feel pain or discomfort.

Encourage your child to ask the dentist questions.

Parents don't always have the answers to the many questions children have. Leave it to those who know best. Encourage your little ones to ask questions to the dentist. everything you want to know. 

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One facet of pediatric dentists is that they are perfectly qualified to deal with children. They are prepared to psychological treatment of childrenThey are able to provide them with confidence and peace of mind, establishing a closer relationship. 

Practice relaxation techniques

Sitting for a few long minutes in the strange chair at the dentist's office is not pleasant for any child. is not pleasant for any child. Especially if they are quite active children who can't sit still for long.

A great help is to practice relaxation techniques before the consultation at home and then perform them during theand then perform them during the examination and intervention.

Keep your child entertained

Those minutes in the waiting room before going to see the dentist are endless for some children. In children's offices, waiting rooms often have toys and books to keep children entertained. toys and books to keep the children entertained.

If this is not the case with your dentist, or if your child is entertaining himself in a different way, don't forget to a toy to keep their mind busy before they go in. before going in. That way the nerves will dissipate.

Choose a suitable schedule

The choice of the time to go to the dentist influences the level of anxiety suffered by adults, just imagine in the case of children! For this reason it is best to avoid those hours when children are more restless or excessively tired, so that they can cope much that they can cope much better.

If possible, experts recommend taking children to the dentist's office in the morning. First thing in the morning, or right after school, are the best times for children to be in a better mood and in better spirits.are the best times for children to be in the best mood.

We must not forget that oral health care begins in children with the eruption of the first milk teeth, and that the role of the dentist is fundamental throughout their lives. Prevent your children's fear of going to the dentist from becoming a problem so that your children learn to take care of their teeth properly.


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