At what age do wisdom teeth erupt? What if they have not erupted yet? Is it normal for them to hurt? Is it necessary to have an operation to extract them? There are many doubts about this type of molars that are so characteristic of adulthood and are often associated with pain and various oral problems.
Similarly, there are many false myths due largely to the lack of information that the general population has. When in doubt, the best thing to do is to go to the dentist's office to receive the best specialized advice.
But if you can't wait and need answers, through KIN we solve the main questions, disproving beliefs that are not entirely true. Take note!
What are wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth are the 4 teeth that come out at the back of each dental arch, just behind the second molars. For this reason, in dentistry they are also called 'third molars', thus specifying their location in the oral cavity.
These teeth are always the last to erupt into the oral cavity and usually do so in young adulthood. In some people they may appear earlier, while in others they never erupt at all.
How many wisdom teeth are there?
Generally there are 4 wisdom teeth, although this does not mean that all people will have them.
Depending on whether wisdom teeth erupt or not, the total number of teeth in an adult person can vary. While a definitive dentition usually has 32 teeth in total, there are cases in which no wisdom teeth erupt, only some of them appear, and others in which all 4 teeth erupt completely.
Due to genetic evolution, more and more people are not able to develop their third molars in their entirety. This is due to the fact that they do not have a specific function, and that the size of the human mouth is becoming smaller and smaller, limiting the space available in the mouth to accommodate all the teeth.
When do wisdom teeth erupt?
There is no specific age at which wisdom teeth begin to erupt. Unlike other teeth, the time of eruption can vary greatly.
It usually occurs in adulthood, with the process beginning between the ages of 17 and 25. This process involves a repositioning of existing teeth, often associated with major changes in the shape of the mouth.
How do I know if my wisdom teeth are coming in?
In each patient, the eruption of wisdom teeth may present a different symptomatology. It usually begins with an intense discomfort or pain in the most posterior area of the jaws, which evolves as the tooth erupts.
As with the eruption of other teeth, the gum is usually swollen and may bleed slightly. Due to its location, it is common for the discomfort to spread to the eye and ear area.
At certain times, although not in all patients, fever and headache may also occur as transient symptoms that subside in a matter of hours or a couple of days. They should not be of major importance as long as there are no complications.
Pain and inflammation of the wisdom teeth
Gum pain and inflammation due to eruption of wisdom teeth are common symptoms. They should not be a cause for concern, but it is very important to follow up and see a specialist when any complication is detected.
This pain is similar to that produced by the eruption of baby teeth or molars in children. The big difference is that adults no longer remember what it was like to feel this type of discomfort, and therefore we worry more than we should.
Treatment is similar to that recommended for children. Applying cold to the affected area and following a diet soft to limit damage to the irritated area are the best preventive and natural remedies during the rash stage.
How long does it take for wisdom teeth to break through the gum?
The eruption of wisdom teeth can vary greatly from person to person. Even in the same person, the eruption of the teeth will not take exactly the same time. Each process is different.
The process will vary between a few weeks or even months, in some cases lasting for years, until the tooth comes out completely, causing an intermittent symptomatology over time.
Do they have to be removed?
If the wisdom teeth erupt correctly aligned and are completely healthy, it is not necessary to remove them, since they will fulfill their chewing function without any problem.
In cases where the symptoms are too bothersome, it is advisable to visit the dentist for a check-up and follow-up. If the wisdom teeth do not come out in a vertical position, pushing the rest of the dental pieces, or if there is any other complication or risk of infection, the option of removing them will be evaluated.
Similarly, if there is not enough space for the teeth to be properly housed in the jaw, they are usually removed. The main problems caused by wisdom teeth are crowding of teeth, the formation of cavities or if they do not come out completely, being partially covered by the gum, in what is known as included molars.
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What to take for wisdom tooth pain?
When the discomfort or pain caused by the eruption of wisdom teeth is frequent and unbearable, it is very important to avoid self-medication, and to see a specialist to first make a correct diagnosis.
Not all wisdom tooth pain is necessarily related to wisdom teeth. There are other reasons, such as stress and toothache, which are often mistaken for typical wisdom tooth discomfort.
Increased tooth sensitivity tooth sensitivity and gum discomfort and gum discomfort can be treated in a simple and safe way through proper oral hygiene and care of your teeth and gums, using the right products and accessories.
Check with your dentist about the status of your wisdom teeth eruption, and if you need treatment for pain, follow his or her advice at Indications to maintain 100% health of your mouth and overall health.