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Fordyce pimples are small sebaceous glands of atypical location, not associated with hair follicles and lacking communication with the exterior.
An almost physiological phenomenon affecting a large part of the population, Fordyce granules have the appearance of spots or protuberances, yellowish white, red or the same color as the mucosa where they occur and between 1 and 3 millimeters in size.
The most common locations of Fordyce granules are the genitalia (penile shaft and scrotum in males and vulva in females), some parts of the face, such as the lips of the mouth, and the oral mucosa.
Unless they represent a certain aesthetic discomfort for some people, Fordyce pimples usually do not present symptoms: they are not painful, itchy, nor are they the manifestation of infections.
Diagnosis is immediate and requires only an objective examination.
According to physicians, their treatment is unnecessary; however, if they represent an aesthetic problem for the patient, there is no lack of therapeutic solutions.
When we speak of Fordyce pimples (or Fordyce granules), we refer to a particular condition that mainly affects the mucous membranes, i.e. the genital organs and the mouth, but also the cheeks.
It is the formation of small sebaceous glands (precisely called Fordyce pimples) that are not associated with specific external causes or hair follicles.
As we shall see, it is rather a very common condition that, more precisely, affects the following parts of the body:
The name Fordyce pimples is due to the fact that the dermatologist who first described them in the history of medicine was named John Addison Fordyce.
As mentioned in the previous section, Fordyce pimples are a very common condition throughout the population. In fact, it has been estimated that 79% of people report having at least one Fordyce pimple, which is certainly a very high percentage.
Basically, we can say that there are no specific causes that give rise to Fordyce grains, nor are they associated with the presence of certain pathological conditions. In practice, they can be considered as physiological events.
In fact, anyone can have Fordyce's pimples, regardless of gender or age (although they are very rare in very young children under three years of age).
Thus, when we speak of Fordyce granules, also known as Fordyce pimples, sebaceous bumps or Fordyce spots, we refer to the presence of certain glands of a sebaceous nature.
Generally, these glands are whitish, reddish or the color of the mucosa where they occur and do not exceed 3 millimeters in size. In general they do not cause pain or itching, although they can be very annoying from an esthetic point of view.
The main characteristics of Fordyce grains for easy recognition should they appear are as follows:
Most specialists in the field believe that resorting to therapeutic treatment is futile. However, if the problem is evident and esthetically uncomfortable, the patient may decide to undergo one of the following therapies:
However, it should be remembered that these granules are practically physiological manifestations of our organism, so doctors usually advise against the use of any therapy, also because some of them have not proved particularly effective in eliminating the problem.
Although Fordyce granules cannot be prevented, it is important to maintain healthy and correct eating habits and personal hygiene plays a fundamental role in the health of the mouth.
It is advisable to keep the facial skin clean by using good cleansers and exfoliating to remove the remains of dead cells, in order to prevent the accumulation of sebum. Similarly, it is advisable to use oral products (toothpastes, mouthwashes, toothbrushes, etc.) that meet the needs of your mouth, and your dentist or hygienist is the ideal professional to guide you in this selection.
There is no specific cause for the appearance of Fordyce pimples. Experts say they are natural: some studies have linked their development to hormonal changes, while others say they usually form during the embryonic phase.
Many people develop Fordyce pimples. It is estimated that 80% of the general population has at least one in the oral mucosa. Fordyce granules are just as common in men as in women.
Diagnosis is usually made by a dentist through objective clinical examination, is usually immediate and does not require any additional examination.
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An almost physiological phenomenon that affects a large part of the population, Fordyce granules have the appearance of spots or bumps, of a white colour.