The smile is a distinguishing feature of each person. There are countless types of smiles, however, in dentistry and especially referring to dental aesthetics, some differences are usually made to catalog their appearance.
A smile is determined by the position of the lips, gums and teeth. According to the shape of these and the visibility they present when smiling, we find the most characteristic types of smiles.
Do you know what kind of smile you have? How can you improve its appearance to make it look more beautiful? Discover common treatments and what oral care is essential for a healthier, more beautiful smile.
Importance of oral care for a beautiful and healthy smile
As we have already seen, the shape of each person's smile is influenced by the position of the lips, teeth and gums. Apart from the genetics of each individual, there are other factors that must be taken into account to take care of the smile.
Starting with good daily daily oral hygiene, it is possible to show healthy gumsIt is possible to show healthy gums, as well as whiter and brighter teeth. Through tooth brushing and the daily use of other accessories and oral cleaning products, the evolution of the smile over the years will be much more satisfactory, from an esthetic and health point of view.
Although today there are dental treatments that can improve the appearance of teeth and gums, the most effective tips recommended by professionals are those that focus on the maintenance of oral health.
Taking care of the health of your gums is as important as taking care of your teeth, so it is important to practice good daily oral hygiene, brushing 3 times a day with the help of a specific product that helps protect both teeth and gums. The gingival care line GingiKIN B5 is specially formulated to strengthen and tone gums, as well as to prevent caries and reinforce tooth enamel for the whole family.
What types of smiles exist according to dentistry?
Depending on the visibility of the teeth, gums and according to the position of the lips when smiling, dentists make a classification of smile types in this general way:
High or gingival smile
This is a type of smile that shows the full length of the teeth, as well as much of the gingiva, with a gingival band at least 1 mm thick.
Although it may be aesthetically rejected by the patient if the band of exposed gingiva exceeds 2-3 mm, it does not necessarily cause any oral or dental problems.
Medium smile
An average smile is considered when it shows between 75 and 100% of the length of the upper teeth, as well as the interdental papillae, which is the part of the gum between the teeth. It is the most common among the population.
Low smile
In contrast, in the low smile, less than 75% of the length of the teeth is shown when smiling. In this case, the lip covers a significant portion of the upper front teeth.
Inverted smile
Much less common is the inverted smile, in which the smile line is reversed. That is, the lower teeth are shown, which are usually covered by the lower lip.
It may be a genetic characteristic or, in some cases, the result of natural or premature wear of the anterior teeth, which exposes the lower line.
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How dental esthetics influences smile type
Many patients are not entirely satisfied with the shape of their smile. It does not have to be considered a problem, as long as the oral health is the most favorable. However, cosmetic dentistry today involves various treatments to easily correct the shape of the teeth and the position of the lips and gums, achieving a better balance for a perfect smile.
Among the main treatments we can highlight the following:
- Dental veneers is the placement of a fixed prosthesis that improves or corrects the shape of the front teeth.
- Gingivoplasty, through an aesthetic intervention that modifies the shape of the gum and the degree of visibility of the gingival band.
- Orthodontics, providing a perfect alignment of the teeth to achieve the desired aesthetic change.
The needs of each patient are very specific, so it is essential that a dental professional performs the corresponding review and diagnosis before determining the possibility of treatment.
In short, in all types of smiles, the most important thing is always to maintain good oral hygiene to protect the different structures that are part of it. Get whiter teeth, strong enamel, healthy gums and fresh breath. fresh breath following your dentist's recommendations according to your own needs - no two smiles are the same!