How to use dental floss?


Along with brushing, toothpaste and Mouthwash, flossing is a basic habit that should be done daily to ensure more effective hygiene.

The cleaning of interdental spaces is essential to ensure the elimination of food debris that accumulates on the contact surfaces between the teeth. To achieve this, it is essential to make proper use of dental floss, dental tape or interdental brushes.

Do you know how to floss? Find out why it's so important to incorporate this cleaning accessory into your daily oral hygiene, and how to use it step-by-step to enjoy cavity-free teeth and healthier gums.

What is dental floss and what is it for?

KIN dental floss is a very fine filament that is used to remove food debris that accumulates between the teeth. In those little nooks and crannies where the bristles of a toothbrush can't reach, dental floss provides ideal cleaning.

This simple tool is an important part of what is known as interproximal cleaning. This small space between the teeth, which is also occupied by the gums, is often forgotten when brushing the teeth.

Failure to properly clean interdental areas on a regular basis could lead to more difficult to detect and treat interdental decay, which is easily passed from one tooth to another when they are in close contact.

It is very important to floss at least once a day, passing it through the space between each tooth to ensure that they are completely clean.

In which cases is it recommended?

Dental floss is an oral hygiene accessory whose use is recommended for the entire population in general. According to Indications of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Alicante, children can begin to use dental floss from the age of 4 years with the help of an adult, and from the age of 8 years by themselves.

However, there are current studies on oral hygiene habits in the school and adult population that indicate that the prevalence of flossing is low. There is a false belief that dental floss should only be used when the space between the teeth is large, and precisely this accessory is designed for frequent use in both narrow and wider interproximal spaces.

Ideally, oral hygiene should always be completed with the use of dental floss or another interdental hygiene tool after each brushing. It is recommended to use it at least once a day, preferably every night before going to bed.

Dental floss is a basic element of hygiene that contributes to the removal of bacterial plaque that accumulates in hard-to-reach spaces, in order to prevent oral problems such as caries and periodontal disease.

How to floss properly?

Through the website of the General Council of Dentists of Spain, experts in oral health explain how to make a correct use of dental floss. correct use of dental floss. To master this complementary oral hygiene technique, it is necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of each of the interdental spaces, to ensure that they are completely free of food debris.

Follow this procedure to clean your teeth with floss:

  1. Cut a piece of thread at least 30 cm long.
  2. Wrap each end of the thread around the middle finger of each hand, holding the thread with the index finger and thumb for better control.
  3. Floss the first interproximal space, using a back-and-forth motion to clean the tooth completely.
  4. Go around the tooth with the thread, and do the same movement.
  5. Move on to the next tooth, unwinding the finger thread a little to use a clean part with each tooth.
  6. Do the same work on each tooth, passing the floss between and around each tooth.
  7. Finish by rinsing your mouth to remove food debris. If you wish, you can complete your dental hygiene with a fluoridatedMouthwash .

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Flossing in children

From the first moment there is contact between the teeth and molars of children, the youngest of the house should begin to use dental floss. The College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid stresses the importance of f lossing as the main measure for preventing tooth decay. flossing in the primary dentitionThe Madrid Dental Hygienists' Association stresses the importance of flossing as the main measure for the prevention of interproximal caries in children and adults.

It is in these early ages when children acquire oral hygiene habits and among them, the use of dental floss. With it is possible to clean the spaces where the toothbrush does not reach.

When children are not able to perform this task correctly, it can be carried out by an adult. It is easier to do it comfortably if the child is lying down with the head reclined, so that the adult has better access to the rear areas.

To complete the hygiene of your child's baby teeth, KIN has a wide range of mouthwashes for all ages and needs. children's mouthwashes for all ages and needs.

What is the best floss?

In the market you can find many different types of dental floss, also known as dental floss. One of the most common is the floss reel, which is very useful to have a great length to go cutting the amount needed in each use.

In order to facilitate cleaning and to reduce the wear of the filament, the floss is coated with wax. KIN® dental floss is coated with wax. This protects the floss so that it does not break during use, making it more pleasant.

KIN flossing fights plaque in those places where the toothbrush can't reach, with the floss minted KIN with fluoride.


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