Do you know how many teeth we have?

How many teeth do we have

Do you know how many teeth we have? What is the difference between baby teeth and adult teeth? Let's find out how much you know about teeth and their care by solving some of the most interesting questions.

How many teeth do we have and what is their function?

We use our teeth every day for chewing, smiling and many other functions. They are part of our life, and that is why we must give them the care they need so that they always remain healthy and so that they are always healthy and can fulfill their function.

The teeth are small, hard organs located in the sockets of the jaw bones, which are very hard. the jaws. These pieces are composed of different tissues, among which there is a soft tissue inside, the pulp, covered by the dentin, which in turn is covered by the dentin. soft tissue in its interior, the pulp, covered by the dentin, and this in turn, protected by the dental enamel, the most superficial layer of the teeth.the most superficial layer of the teeth.

The part anchored in the jawbone is known as the root, while the crown is the visible part of the tooth that lies outside the gingiva.

Teeth play a very important role in the digestion process. They are responsible for cutting, tearing and grinding food.. With the help of saliva and due to the action of the tongue, they form a small ball that will pass into the stomach after swallowing, starting the digestion process.

Types of teeth and function of each one of them

There are 4 types of teeth. The teeth are differentiated by their shape, the location of each one, and the function they have during the chewing of food.

The teeth are distributed in two arc-shaped rows, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw. two arched rows, one in the upper jaw and the other in the lower jaw.. In each of the dental arches, the teeth are arranged as follows:

  • Incisors. These are the teeth that are located in the outermost part of the mouth, the first to show when smiling and also the first to erupt. They are flat teeth with cutting edges, since their main function is to cut food when biting. The number of incisors does not vary throughout life. A human being usually has 8 incisors, 4 at the top and 4 at the bottom..
  • Canines. Following the incisors are the canines, also known as fangs. The function of these teeth is to tear the hardest and most resistant foods. They are a remnant of the teeth of our ancestors, which due to evolution and the change in the diet of human beings, have changed in shape and size, with a less pointed end. The total number of these teeth is 4. Two of them are located in the upper jaw and the other two in the lower jaw.
  • Premolars. Larger and wider than the canines, they participate in the tearing and crushing of food. They are found only in the adult stage, being generally 4 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw, a total of 8. generally 4 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw, a total of 8.
  • Molars. Molars are larger teeth, with a wide and flat crown. Their function is to grind food, and their number varies throughout the life of the person, adapting to the space available in the jaw, being 8 during childhood increasing in number in adulthood, with a total of 12 molars distributed in two arches. total of 12 molars distributed in the two dental arches..

How many teeth do children have?

Babies are born without teeth, and throughout their infancy, the eruption of the first teeth takes place.. This evolutionary strategy typical of mammals allows breastfeeding, so that the baby adapts its feeding as it grows and gets its first milk teeth.

Baby teeth are the teeth that begin to teeth that begin to erupt in the infant are known as milk teeth.. The first tooth that comes out in the baby is usually a lower incisor, around 6 to 10 months. Followed by the upper incisors, and thereafter, the rest of the teeth.

In the infant stage, when all the teeth have erupted, the total number of teeth is 20. The milk teeth are composed of 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars, equally distributed in both maxillary arches.distributed equally in both maxillary arches.

Children's teeth are small in size size, as they are adapted to the smallest space available in the child's mouth.. From the age of 6 years the eruption of the first permanent molars takes place, which appear behind the last milk molar and have no replacement, they are definitive teeth.

How many teeth do we adults have?

The care of children's baby teeth and the adult's permanent teeth is essential to maintain oral health and the health of the whole organism.

Around the age of six, most children begin to lose their baby teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth. lose their baby teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth.Do you know how many teeth we have as adults? Older adults have a greater number of teeth than children.

Adults have a total of 32 teeth. These are distributed in 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars.

Of these last 12 teeth, 8 are molars and 4 of them, the last ones in each row, are known as "wisdom teeth", the last ones in each row, are known as "wisdom teeth".. Also due to the evolution of human beings, there are people who do not develop wisdom teeth during their lifetime. In some cases, these large molars do not have enough space to fully erupt.

Most people have their permanent adult dentition by the time they reach adolescence. The total number of permanent teeth always includes wisdom teeth. 

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What are teeth made of?

We already know how many teeth we have in infancy and how many teeth we have in adulthood, but the big question is: what are the teeth made of?

As we have already seen, teeth are made up of different are made up of different tissues, and they are divided into the crown and root. While the root is not visible because it is the part that is covered by the gum and the maxillary bone, the crown plays a fundamental role in the chewing process.

Among the tissues that make up the crown of the tooth we find:

  • Dental enamel. This is the hardest tissue in the body, which provides protection to each tooth, covering the crown.
  • Dentin. This soft tissue connects the external part with the dental pulp or core of the tooth. Throughout the dentin we find very fine tubes that connect the outside with the nerve, and that, when exposed, cause what is known as dental sensitivity.
  • Dental pulp. The innermost part, which contains the nerves, veins and arteries to keep the teeth alive.

To maintain the health of teeth, enamel plays a very important role. That is why we must take care of it and maintain its integrity throughout life.

The shade of the teeth depends on the stains that form on the enamel. Do you want to enjoy whiter teeth? Don't miss this complete guide in our blog.

The thickness of the enamel varies for each type of tooth. But knowing how many teeth we have, where each one is located and what their function is, it is much easier to protect and care for them in the most appropriate is much easier to protect and care for them in the most appropriate way.




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