Oral health care in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment

oral health chemotherapy patients

Chemotherapy is one of the most commonly used therapeutic modalities in the at the treatment of cancer. However, it is not exempt from multiple side effects that can affect the patient's quality of life. quality of life of the patient during the process.

Among the effects that often occur occur include damage to the mouth as a result of the from this treatment. It is for this reason that oral health care needs to be taken to the utmost during this stage, in order to prevent more severein order to prevent more severe problems..

What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses certain drugs to kill tumour cells. drugs to destroy tumour cells.. These drugs stop cancer cells from continuing to grow and divide, limiting their spread into the affected tissue and other nearby tissues.

The type of drug used during chemotherapy varies depending on the type of cancer, but in general, the basic function is to attack the new cells formed by the cancer cells which, by dividing so rapidly, allow the chemotherapy drugs to attack them more easily. However, these drugs do not differentiate between healthy cells and cancer cells, and therefore have side effects for the patient. Fortunately, many normal cells can recover from the effects over time.

Effects of chemotherapy on oral health

There are many chemotherapy drugs used for the treatment of different types of cancer. Depending on the components, the side effects vary from patient to patient.

The most common ones that can affectr oral health are the following:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Changes in the sense of taste.
  • Mouth sores.
  • Increased risk of infections.
  • Increased risk of tooth decay or gum disease.

These symptoms appear practically from the beginning of chemotherapy treatment, and cease with the end of treatment, except for caries and periodontal disease, so it is very important to maintain proper oral hygiene habits during chemotherapy treatment. However, in some patients in some patients there are side effects that may last for some time, but none of them are permanent.but none of them are permanent.

Oral health care for chemotherapy patients

Although not dangerous, the side effects of chemotherapy treatment can cause multiple problems that affect the patient's quality of life. During treatment the patient is more likely to get an infection, and may even be unable to eat and swallow properly.and even suffer from the inability to eat and swallow properly.

Before starting treatment it is not possible to know how the patient's body will react, but it is always advisable to take a number of precautions to ensure a better quality of life.

Dental check-up prior to chemotherapy treatment

One of the first steps before starting chemotherapy treatment is to visit a specialised dentist. It is recommended to visit the dentist at least 2 weeks before the start of treatment for a complete check-up of the patient's mouth.

The dentist will check your teeth and take x-rays to make sure that your teeth and gums are completely healthy. During this time it is possible to treat any oral health problems at the dentist's office, and learn about the most appropriate care during chemotherapy treatment.

Keeping the mouth moist

In order to combat one of the most common symptoms of chemotherapy such as dry mouth, it is advisable to hydrate well throughout the daydrinking plenty of water.

The consumption of sugar-free candies and chewing gum is a very good option to stimulate saliva production, as well as the use of specific products for xerostomiaas the KIN Hidrat Mouth Moisturizing Gel to keep the mouth fresh and lubricated. 

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Proper cleaning of teeth, tongue and gums

In view of the increased risk of infection in the mouth, and the decreased protective function of saliva, it is of utmost importance to oral hygiene is of utmost importance to prevent dental problems.s caries and periodontal disease.

It is advisable to use an extra toothbrush soft, as well as a special toothpaste such as the KIN Hidrat Toothpastetoothpaste, after every meal and before going to bed. Avoid using mouthwashes with alcohol, completing the cleaning with dental floss and a Mouthwash soft containing aloe vera such as the Mouthwash KIN Care or hyaluronic acid to promote tissue toning.

Taking care of your diet

If the mouth is sore (a very common symptom during chemotherapy), foods that are easy to chew and swallow will be the best choice.. Highly nutritious foods should be chosen, taken in small bites and with plenty of liquid.

Simple pureed preparations, cooked foods, or foods mixed with broth and sauces are easier to swallow. On the other hand, foods that are excessively hot, sugary, spicy, acidic or high in gas may damage tooth enamel and gums. damage tooth enamel and gums, which are in a highly sensitive state. which are in a highly sensitive state.

Dental care in paediatric chemotherapy patients

Like adults, children also need to take extra care of their oral health during chemotherapy treatment. oral health care during chemotherapy treatment is also important for children.. Depending on the age of the child and the type of treatment, the side effects on the oral cavity are very different.

At this stage when the baby teeth and permanent teeth are forming, the dentist must follow up thoroughly to detect and treat any problems early. It is important to do a check-up before starting chemotherapy, and to take care of the child's mouth throughout the treatment.

Remember that oral care during childhood will determine their future oral health. It is the responsibility of parents to provide the best oral health care to brave children who are going through cancer treatment.


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