What are orthodontic retainers for?

What are orthodontic retainers?

At the end of orthodontic treatment for the correction of the positioning of teeth, the use of retainers is common. After active treatment comes the retention phase, in which orthodontic retainers are designed to keep the teeth in the correct position. orthodontic retainers are designed to hold the teeth in the correct position until the bones and gums until the bones and gums adapt to the new change.

Retainers are pieces that are placed temporarily. However, the treatment in each patient can have a more or less prolonged duration according to their needs.

What is the main function of orthodontic retainers, how long should they be worn, and what care do they need? We tell you all the details so that you can take care of your oral health throughout the orthodontic process..

What are orthodontic retainers?

Thanks to orthodontic treatment, it is possible to achieve the patient's perfect smile through a process of aligning the teeth. process of aligning the teeth.. Once finished, another very important stage begins: the retention phase.

Orthodontic retainers are a type of appliance that is placed at the end of the active appliance that is placed at the end of the active phase of the orthodontic process.. They prevent the teeth from moving back to their initial position.

This prevents a patient from having to undergo a second orthodontic treatment because his or her teeth have moved as a result of not following the retention phase correctly.

What do orthodontic retainers look like?

Unlike orthodontic appliances, retainers are simpler appliances that can be that can be fixed in place or completely removable.

They are much more discreet and comfortableIt is advisable to use them for the indicated time to ensure total success in the repositioning of the teeth to improve the functionality of the mouth and improve its aesthetics.

Retainers are usually placed on the same day that the orthodontic appliance is removed. However, there is the option of placing them at a later date if significant dental movement or changes are observed at subsequent check-ups.

Function of orthodontic retainers

The function of an orthodontic retainer is to prevent a perfectly aligned smile from returning to its original state. prevent a perfectly aligned smile from returning to its pre-treatment state. prior to treatment.

When braces are removed, it is common for the teeth to try to return to their natural position. This is where retainers come in. retainers, which stabilize the teeth to keep them in their new position. to keep them in their new position.

What could happen if dental retainers are not placed? There is a high risk of losing the alignment and regulation of teeth achieved during orthodontics. Therefore, it is important to it is important to perform a complete treatment the position of the teeth to settle correctly even after the brackets have been placed. brackets.

Types of orthodontic retainers

Nowadays there are different types of orthodontic retainers. These can be divided into two broad groups, including fixed and removable retainers:

Fixed retainers

Fixed orthodontic retainers are a type of fixed orthodontic retainer. lFixed orthodontic retainers are stabilizing plates made of metal, fiberglass and other materials, placed on the inside of the teeth.placed on the inside of the teeth. They are not visible.

Depending on the needs of each patient, they can be larger or smaller, placed either on the upper or lower part, from tusk to tusk or between the jaws.

They offer the advantage that once in place, the patient does not have to worry about their maintenance. However, they require frequent check-ups by the orthodontist to check for proper adhesion to the tooth.

Removable retainers

More and more patients are opting for removable orthodontic retainers. They consist of custom-made made-to-measure transparent splintsThey are placed on the entire arch where orthodontic treatment has been applied, either on the upper or lower part, or both.

At the beginning of the treatment it is advisable to wear them as long as possible, only removing them to eat or for daily cleaning.. But after a few weeks or months, the wearing time can be spaced out, wearing them only at night. Although at the beginning they may be a little uncomfortable to wear, they are highly effective and shorten the retention phase considerably.

Although they are similar to invisible invisible aligners, their function is somewhat different. However, their maintenance and care is very similar, their maintenance and care is very similarThey should be cleaned properly to prevent poor sanitation from having a negative impact on oral health.

Are retainers necessary?

Nowadays, it has been proven that, in most patients, the use of retainers is recommended, and even essential for the following reasons achieving the best results after orthodontic treatment. Since they represent one more phase of the process, of greater or lesser duration in each patient. 

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Ensure good retention of the teeth, whether it be through fixed or removable appliancesThe orthodontic results are the best possible in the marketplace. best possible. So yes, in many cases orthodontic retainers are very necessary. 

How long are retainers worn?

There is no minimum or maximum time to wear these types of dental appliances. The treatment can last longer or shorter for each person.

As we have already seen, the function of orthodontic retainers is to prevent teeth from moving again. Therefore, it is up to the orthodontist to the orthodontist will be the one to determine at what point a good stabilization of the gum and jaw bone structures has been achieved, without the risk of of the gum and mandibular bone structures has been achieved, without the risk of new displacements.

In some cases, retainers can be can be maintained for a long period of time or forever if the patient if the patient wishes. When the oral hygiene is adequate, there is no problem to keep the retainers fixed as part of the structure of the mouth, keeping the smile in its correct position permanently.

How to clean orthodontic retainers

Orthodontic retainers are cleaned as part of your regular dental hygiene routine. routine dental hygiene routine.. Every time you brush your teeth after a meal, and especially before going to bed, it is important to clean your retainers properly.

The sanitization process will be different for fixed and removable retainers. Specifically removable retainers are cleaned separately, by removing them from the mouthThey are removed from the mouth to be brushed and rinsed properly.

In the case of fixed retainers, it is important to know that at the exact point where the wires are inserted into the teeth, there is a high risk of bacterial there is a high risk of bacterial biofilm formation. This area should be targeted during tooth brushing to ensure complete removal of bacteria and food debris.

Always follow your orthodontist's always follow the instructions given by the orthodontist to clean orthodontic retainers correctly. correctly. During regular checkups, a professional can more easily detect if there is any failure in brushing and maintaining the overall health of the mouth.


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