Orthodontics is a treatment focused on the aesthetic care of the smile. This should not be marked by any stains on the teeth when the appliance is removed. To avoid possible damage and to have a healthy and shiny smile, it is of the utmost importance to maintain good oral hygiene habits.
It is quite common that when braces are removed, slight stains can be seen on the surface of the tooth where the metal pieces had been placed. If you are worried that your smile does not look perfect, follow the recommendations of the experts to avoid stains on your teeth after orthodontics.
Why are teeth stained during orthodontics?
Good oral hygiene is more than enough to keep teeth white with braces. However, many people who finish their orthodontic treatment notice that when the brackets are removed, the teeth are stained right at the edge where they were placed.
This is due to the accumulation of food debris that is deposited on the edge of orthodontic appliances. If they are not removed with daily oral hygiene, bacteria develop, forming what is known as dental biofilm.
Dental biofilm initially appears as white spots on the tooth surface. Over time, when oral hygiene is not sufficient, the teeth become stained, turning from a yellowish colour to dark stains.
The stains appear mainly around the brackets, where demineralisation of the enamel occurs, allowing bacteria to penetrate the tooth and cause irreversible damage. The size of the stains will depend on how long the tooth is exposed to the acids produced by the metabolic activity of the bacteria that are deposited on the tooth surface.
Is it possible to have white teeth with braces?
Keeping teeth white with braces is as simple as performing proper oral hygiene. It is very important to remove all food debris from the mouth after every meal, thus avoiding the accumulation of dental biofilm that ends up staining the teeth.
It should be borne in mind that toothbrushing for an orthodontic patient is not the same as for a person without braces. Cleaning should be more thorough, using the appropriate accessories and oral hygiene products for each patient's situation.
Although it takes a few extra minutes, spending enough time brushing your teeth is well worth it in order to get the best results after orthodontic removal.
Not only do you get a well-aligned smile, but also healthy teeth, free of biofilm and dental caries. And of course much whiter teeth.
Tips for keeping teeth white with braces
In order to maintain white teeth with braces, the orthodontic patient should brush thoroughly after every meal.
During brushing, all traces of dirt accumulated on the surface of the teeth and around the brackets and archwires must be removed.
No matter how light the meal or how little you have eaten, it is advisable to clean your teeth thoroughly. Even if it is a drink, but especially if it contains sugar. To avoid stains on the enamel, you can follow some very useful tips:
Pay attention to brushing
Special brushes are available to remove all food debris accumulated around the brackets to make cleaning easier. The KIN Orthodontics Toothbrush has a small, triangular-shaped brush head that makes it possible to reach all the recesses inside the mouth. In addition, its V-shaped filaments make it easier to clean around the brackets.
It is recommended to spend at least 2 to 3 minutes at least twice a day to ensure complete removal of dental biofilm, carefully brushing both teeth and gums.
Use specific oral hygiene products
At Laboratorios KIN we have a specific oral care line for orthodontic patients. Both the OrthoKIN Strawberry toothpaste minted and OrthoKIN Strawberry mouthwash minted are formulated with a high concentration of fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and protect against caries. They also contain CPC 0.05% to control dental biofilm and provitamin B5 and vitamin E to strengthen gums.
Use other accessories to complete your dental hygiene
In addition to the toothbrush, oral hygiene accessories are a great help to ensure optimal removal of dental biofilm that accumulates in hard-to-reach areas.
The KIN Dental Floss minted is the ideal complement to brushing. Thanks to its content in fluoride and its characteristics, it reaches spaces where the toothbrush cannot reach, providing a more precise oral hygiene.
It is also advisable to use interdental brushes to achieve a thorough cleaning of teeth and gums during brushing. In addition to helping to take care of the interproximal spaces, interdental brushes also allow you to easily remove food debris that is deposited between the brackets and the archwire. If you want to know more about interdental brushes, we invite you to take a look at the following article: How to use an interdental brush?
Avoid sugary foods and drinks
Limiting the consumption of foods and beverages rich in sugars is a general recommendation for the care of teeth in the entire population. However, this is even more important for people with braces, who need to take extra care of their teeth at least during treatment.
Consultation with the orthodontist
As a final measure, we would like to highlight the importance of constantly monitoring the treatment, going to the orthodontist's surgery without missing any appointments. These check-ups are the best way to detect any damage to the dental enamel at an early stage, putting into practice the special recommendations made by the professional for the care of the smile.
Keeping your teeth white with braces doesn't have to be complicated if you make good oral hygiene practices a daily routine. It is a daily effort, but the reward is well worth it, with the desired smile at the end of treatment.