How to relieve dry mouth?

How to relieve dry mouth?

We do not always give it the importance it deserves, but saliva plays a key role in maintaining oral health. Lack of saliva is nowadays one of the most common conditions among the elderly population and that is why it is important to know how to relieve dry mouth.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people will suffer from xerostomia in their lifetime. This could be due to a side effect of multiple medications and treatments, as well as due to certain diseases.

Do you have discomfort when swallowing or eating? Do you notice a slimy sensation in your mouth, changes in your sense of taste, sore throat and bad breath? These may be symptoms associated with dry mouth. Find out how to relieve dry mouth through a few simple daily practices that you can include in your oral care routine.

What is dry mouth?

Oral health is closely related to the overall health of each person. Your mouth says a lot about you and it is very important to pay attention and listen to the signals it sends you.

Dry mouth is a disorder that affects the production of saliva by the salivary glands . When the salivary glands do not function normally, the amount of saliva produced is not sufficient to keep the mouth moist.

To give you an idea, the average amount of saliva production is 1 to 1.5 liters per day. While this is higher during the day, it decreases at night. While we sleep, the flow of saliva is less, and the salivary glands take a 'rest' before becoming active again when we wake up in the morning.

When saliva production is not functioning at full capacity, the health of the mouth can be impaired. This is always related to other underlying health problems, or to a series of bad practices that need to be changed.

Problems associated with dry mouth

In order to understand the problems that can occur with dry mouth, it is interesting to highlight the functions of saliva in our organism:

  1. Digestive. Mixed with food, saliva contains specific substances that initiate digestion and promote swallowing.
  2. Lubricant. Not only for swallowing, but also to be able to speak properly.
  3. pH regulator. Saliva protects teeth against demineralization, maintaining an adequate pH that neutralizes the acids produced by the bacteria present in the oral cavity.
  4. Protective. It contains a small amount of enzymes that act as a potent antibacterial.
  5. Healing. Thanks to saliva, wounds in the mouth are protected against infections and heal faster.

Knowing how to alleviate dry mouth is very important because dry mouth causes very annoying problems such as difficulty in swallowing, discomfort when speaking, and digestive problems.

Saliva in turn plays a role in the prevention of dental caries, and protects the gums and oral mucosa. It prevents bacteria in the mouth from forming a thin layer on the teeth and soft tissues, known as biofilm.

Another problem of great concern to patients suffering from xerostomia is halitosis or bad breath. Without the protective action of saliva, bacteria find in the oral cavity the most favorable environment to grow and develop, with all the negative effects that this entails.

Can it be prevented?

Decreased saliva production can only be prevented when it is associated with bad daily habits such as frequent alcohol consumption, smoking or an unbalanced diet.

However, if dry mouth occurs in older people or in patients who have certain diseases and are undergoing medical treatment or taking certain drugs, there is no way to prevent it.

Fortunately, today there are specific products for the care of dry mouth and oral mucosa. care of dry mouth and oral mucosa, which can considerably that can considerably improve the patient's condition, alleviating most of the symptoms.

How to relieve dry mouth?

Whenever possible, dry mouth should be treated with proper hydration. Xerostomia in patients undergoing medical treatment or suffering from a chronic disease can be treated with specific formulas to keep the mouth moisturized.

Some of the best practices to combat dry mouth are as follows:

  • Drink enough water throughout the day.
  • Take sugar-free candy or chewing gum, preferably with xylitol to stimulate saliva production.
  • Avoid caffeine consumption.
  • Use room humidifiers at home and at work.
  • Preferably breathe through the nose.
  • Follow up your oral health by seeing your dentist regularly.

In addition to these tips that can be applied to all types of patients, the treatment of xerostomia can be combined with the use of oral hygiene products. There are toothpastes and mouthwashes that improve the symptoms of dry mouth and at the same time protect the mucosa. There are also moisturizing gels and products in spray format, which, when used occasionally, improve the sensation of dry mouth instantly.

What to do for dry mouth and bad breath?

One of the biggest concerns of people suffering from xerostomia is the bad breath associated with it. How to relieve dry mouth and halitosis at the same time? It's easier than you think.

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As mentioned above, this type of bad breath is a consequence of the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.. When saliva production is lower, bacteria naturally found in the mouth find the perfect environment to reproduce.

Bacterial overgrowth causes the release of acids and substances that are associated with bad odor. To get rid of them, in addition to proper brushing, it is important to use toothpastes and mouthwashes with antiseptic action.

Chewing gum and taking sugar-free candies, as well as drinking enough water, helps to increase saliva production and keep the mouth more hydrated throughout the day. When faced with bad breath, these are the simplest and most effective techniques to resort to.

How to maintain dental health?

The health of the whole organism begins with good oral health care. For this reason, and even if there is a previous problem of dry mouth, in no case should the protection of the mouth be neglected.

Follow these basic tips to maintain dental and gum health at all times:

  • Always brush your teeth after every meal, using a toothpaste with the right amount of fluoride , ideally with the right flavor soft and with properties that help you take care of the health of your teeth and gums.
  • Combine the use of dental floss or interdental brushes with regular brushing.
  • Finish oral hygiene by using a mouthwash or Mouthwash.
  • Follow a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to maintain good hydration.
  • Avoid unhealthy habits that can negatively influence the health of your mouth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for a check-up.

If you have xerostomia problems and want to know how to relieve dry mouth in your particular case, consult your dentist directly. Prevention and treatment are part of oral health care and are in your hands.


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